The Federated College System
There were now five colleges in the Federated System, namely Rutgers, Douglass,
University College, Livingston, and Cook. Each College had the following components:
- A dean and complete administration
- A faculty, comprised of faculty in each of the basic liberal arts areas
(English composition, Sociology, Psychology, etc., with branches of science
departments on each campus. The balance of the respective faculties was made
up of those in the disciplines of specializations and professional strengths
on each campus.
- A student body.
- Each college had its own student life program and dean of students.
- Each College faculty had considerable say about the admissions requirements
for that college, the graduation requirements of that college, what majors
would be offered. All colleges offered the basic liberal arts majors.
- All but Cook required 120 credits for a BA/BS degree; Cook required 128.
Technically, students admitted to and resident at any of the college campuses
could major in areas not represented on their “home” campus - -
for example, Livingston students could major in Cook majors. In reality this
idea was only realized in some colleges with some majors.